ACT-IAC CX Summit: Bringing the Three S’s of Government CX to Life

From the 2021 Presidential Executive Order to the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) to new Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) CX investments, there’s no shortage of mandates and programs aimed at enhancing government customer experience (CX) capabilities.

While many process improvements have taken hold internally at agencies, there’s still a need to create more citizen-facing improvements for meeting these mandates, and rebuilding trust in government.

On November 15th, ACT-IAC is hosting its CX Summit, which aims to provide a roadmap for improving government digital services. The timing of this event is ideal, considering that most Americans are unhappy with the current state of federal CX.

The event is an extension of what was covered at the ACT-IAC Imagine Nation ELC 2022 conference in late October. For the Makpar executives who attended the event, the concept of the three S’s of government CX, which was presented by Clare Martorana, Federal CIO at OMB, caught their attention:

  1. Simple: Government interactions should simple for all citizens and constituents.

  2. Seamless: Access and interactions should be seamless within and between government systems.

  3. Secure: Customer data should be secure and privacy assured.

The three S’s of government CX was certainly top of mind when Seema Khan, CEO of Makpar, highlighted the value of using human-centered design to enhance government CX in this GCN guest article.

This approach is fully inline with the upcoming ACT-IAC CX Summit keynote address by Andy Lewandowski, Digital Experience Advisor to the Federal CIO. His keynote, titled, “Human-Centered Technology Powers a 360-Degree Customer Experience,” will highlight how technology should be designed for humans, and not the other way around.

Members of the Makpar team will be also attending the ACT-IAC CX Summit. They look forward to networking and learning more about how Makpar can continue helping government to advance CX.

Contact us here for more information on how we can help you start your government CX journey.


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